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our process

audit, analyse, select, compare &report

take control of your carbon 

cleanhouse is an operating system reducing generator rental fuel usage which is quantifiable, reliable and balance sheet friendly.

cleanhouse how it works

cleanhouse how it works

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future expansion

We engage key stakeholders to ascertain any future upgrading or additional load requirements during the life cycle of the project and offer solutions with the site-specific knowledge .

objectives site meeting 

Understanding the objectives of the key stakeholders is paramount to a successful carbon reduction program, we see carbon reduction as an engineering problem not just a climate action concern and with your support we can transition in a practical safe and efficient way

energy audit 

The energy requirements of each project specific consumption point is key to cost savings and carbon reduction, especially effective when utilising diesel generator rental products

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load testing

load analysers we connect to your sites current load draw and measure for a 72hr period based on the customers peak load expectations


footprint is a key factor in determine the best product and solution to reduce your carbon and your cost, again with consultation from key stakeholders with an eye to future works we develop a best practice model that fits and is practical

energy analysis

We analyse fuel usage and carbon footprint of traditional methods or generator rental products already established on site with new technologies and/or optimising existing products to create the most value for you

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load analysers we connect to your sites current load draw and measure for a 72hr period based on the customers peak load expectations

available space

footprint is a key factor in determine the best product and solution to reduce your carbon and your cost, again with consultation from key stakeholders with an eye to future works we develop a best practice model that fits and is practical

fuel & carbon 

We analyse fuel usage and carbon footprint of traditional methods or those already established on site 

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duty cycle 

We select products best suited to the duty cycle application based on the energy analysis.

expert engagement 

Each new technology has its limits so at Ladybug through our cleanhouse development system we constantly engage subject matter experts, design and develop new products both internally and externally to deliver industry leading results.

optimised fleet

We choose from our range of products which include Bio Diesel, Solar, Solar Hybrid, Battery, Invertor Technology and Hydrogen systems.

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Comparison modelling starts once the peak and base load parameters are established the process of analysing the data begins,


We compare fuel usage of traditional methods or those already establshed on site with new technologies and/or optimising existing products to create the most value for you

cost comparison 

We compare total cost of ownership balanced with an understanding of price implications for the application, because fuel is 90% of the cost to generate power we are very effective at reducing costs in line with project parameters

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